onsdag 14 december 2011


A ten year old boy has confess the murder in Ljungby
The case is resolved according to the police
It's been two months since a four year old boy in Ljungby was found dead in a copse. Now a ten year old boy has confess that he has strangled the boy with a rope.
- the case is resolved, says the prosecutor Yvonne Rudinsson.

Today, 59 days after the tragic accident, the police tells that the murder of the four year old boy is resolved. A ten year old boy has admitted in questioning what happened on October 16.
- he said that he had strangled the boy, says Robert Loeffel, spokesman for Kronobergs police.
The boy strangled the four year old boy with a rope. The entitle is still murder.

Cleared up
No other than the boy has been suspected during the investigation. No other child isn't relevant as a suspect in the investigation, according to the prosecutor.
- I belive that the crime is cleared up and we are going to close the investigation, says the prosecutor Yvonne Rudinsson.
October 16 the four year old boy disappeared from a playground in Ljungby where he played with other children. A few hours later he was found dead in a copse not far from his home.

Tioåring har erkänt mordet i Ljungby

Fallet är uppklarat enligt polisen

Det har gått två månader sedan den 4-årige pojken i Ljungby hittades död i en skogsdunge.
Nu har en 10-årig pojke erkänt att han strypt 4-åringen till döds med ett hopprep.
– Brottet är uppklarat, säger vice chefsåklagare Yvonne Rudinsson.

I dag, 59 dagar efter den tragiska händelsen, berättar polisen att mordet på den 4-årige pojken i Ljungby den 16 oktober är uppklarat. En tioårig pojke har i förhör erkänt vad som hände den 16 oktober.
– Han har sagt att han strypt den 4-årige pojken, säger Robert Loeffel, Kronobergspolisens presstalesman.
Tioåringen ströp 4-åringen till döds med ett hopprep. Rubriceringen är fortfarande mord.


Ingen annan än pojken har varit misstänkt under utredningen. Inget annat barn är heller aktuellt som misstänkt i utredningen, enligt åklagaren.
– Jag anser att brottet är uppklarat och vi kommer att avsluta utredningen, säger vice chefsåklagare Yvonne Rudinsson.
Den 16 oktober försvann den 4-årige pojken från en lekplats i Ljungby där han lekte med andra barn.
Några timmar senare hittades han död i en skogsdunge inte långt från sitt hem.


söndag 11 december 2011


You should in pairs work with one of sweden's landscape.

1. choose a landscape
2. Read about this landscape and find
- the landscapes flower
- the landscapes animal
- a map
- big cities
- something you can do there
3. Summary what you had found and make a book with text and beautiful pictures.
4. You should now tell your classmates about your landscape and be able to answers questions about it.

fredag 2 december 2011

A story age 4-8

The lonely princess
Once upon a time there was a little princess. She lived in a big and beautiful castle with her parents the queen and the king. Her parents working hard every day and the little princess always stayed at home alone with the servants who worked at the castle. She spend her days in her big room. It was a very beautiful room with pink wallpaper and large windows with white lace curtains. The room was full of toys. Dolls and bruins. Rocking horses and barbie houses. Everything you can imagine was there. But still the princess was unhappy, bored and felt so alone. She went to the babysitter and said: “I am so bored and have nothing to do!” Babysitter looked worried and said: “why don't you play with any of your dolls?” but the princess wont. She still felt that the loneliest girl in the world. Every night when the queen and the king came home from work they gave her gifts. You may think that the girl was happy for the gifts that children tend to be, but the girl was just as unhappy like before.

The next day the princess decide to take a walk in the big garden. She looked at the big red roses and feed the fish in the pond. Around the garden there was a high hedge that screened off from the world outside. The princess had not seen much of the world outside but castle. She knew a place in the garden where it was just a fence where you could look down on a street. She went to this place and start looking after something interesting. To her surprise, she suddenly see a little girl. The girl was sitting on the ground and painted in the gravel. “Hello” the princess said. The girl looked up at her and answered “Hello there”. “Why are you painting in the gravel?” princess asked. “because I like to paint” the girl answered. The princess thought for a moment on his painting blocks inside the castle and asked: “don't you have any blocks you can paint on instead?”. The girl looked up at here and examined her from head to toe and said then “No, I haven't”. The princess asked her “do you want to come inside the fence and play with me?”. “okay” the girl said and jumped over the fence. Since that day the princess was lucky again. She had got a friend and don't felt alone anymore.

tisdag 22 november 2011

An essay

ICT tools in primary school; a way to the world outside
Its a discussion about using ICT in the Swedish school and let our pupils use computers during the lessons and try other ways to find knowledge. Some teachers think this is wrong and some teachers think it's right. I am one of the persons who think it's right to use computers in school.
I use my computer every day, searching information, speak with friends, buy stuffs and tickets and looking TV and movies. It develops me as a human and make me more open and well-educated. I can't imagine a life without computer and don't understand how people can live without it.
Of course I think my pupils should have the same opportunity to gain knowledge and be open to the world outside school. They can find information themselves and I can use it when I'm teach and let them watch videos and current news clips.

The pupils will also be confident with using computers, writing on a keyboard and look after information. This is becoming increasingly important in today's society and when we apply for jobs. Some people may say it's more important to write by hand and it's also is, but let a pupil in grade 1 write on a computer sometimes is good because it gives them the knowledge of how letters and figures look.

I think people who don't think ICT in school is good, have poor knowledge about computers and the possible ties it provides. We live in a modern society and it's time to make the school be modern too.

tisdag 15 november 2011


Dear Mr and Mrs Andersson
I think this way of contact is a little suspect but I think writing a letter is the easiest way for both of us to understand and communicate with each other, because you doesn't understand Swedish. As Erics teacher I'm contacting you because I need to talk to you about Eric and his behavior against his classmates, teachers and me. I've always think and still think that Eric is a good boy with a big hearth, but sometimes his mood and attitude comes in his way and destroys the relationship between him and other people. He often ends up in fights, discussions and squabbling and last week a boy in another class get hurt och got a black eye because they have an argument about a football. I know that children have fights with each other, but Erics mood is not like the other pupils.

I don't know if this is something you have noticed? Maybe Eric always had been a temperamental boy? I am not sure about that and think this is something Eric has developed in recent times. I like to hear from you what you think we should do about this. Maybe Eric feeling bad about something and this is just temporary or maybe is slightly deeper and we need to contact the special educator for an investigation.

I want you to talk to Eric and hear his vision about the events of recent weeks and then contact me for a conversation.

Best regards/ Johanna